USA SPV 9861D DVD+CD : [Paris Moon]

ジャケット画像 ジャケット画像

DVD : NTSC Region 0
  1. Introduction
  2. Past Time With Good Company
  3. Rainbow Blues
  4. Play Minstrel Play
  5. World Of Stone
  6. Under A Violet Moon
  7. Soldier Of Fortune
  8. Durch Den Wold Zum Bach Haus
  9. Diamonds & Rust
  10. Minstrel Hall
  11. Home Again
  12. Streets Of London
  13. Renaissance Faire
  14. Keyboard Solo
  15. Ariel
  16. Loreley
  17. The Clock Ticks On
  18. Fires At Midnight
  19. St. Teresa
  20. Olde Village Lanterne
  21. Bonus – Documentary
  22. Bonus – Photo Gallery
  1. Past Time With Good Company – Rainbow Blues
  2. Play Minstrel Play
  3. World Of Stone
  4. Under A Violet Moon
  5. Minstrel Hall
  6. Home Again
  7. Ariel
  8. The Clock Ticks On
  9. Fires At Midnight
  10. Olde Village Lanterne (Studio Version)
  11. All Because Of You (Radio Edit)


Germany SPV 80001185 DVD : [Paris Moon]

ジャケット画像 ジャケット画像

DVD : PAL Region 2
  1. Introduction
  2. Past Time With Good Company
  3. Rainbow Blues
  4. Play Minstrel Play
  5. World Of Stone
  6. Under A Violet Moon
  7. Soldier Of Fortune
  8. Durch Den Wold Zum Bach Haus
  9. Diamonds & Rust
  10. Minstrel Hall
  11. Home Again
  12. Streets Of London
  13. Renaissance Faire
  14. Keyboard Solo
  15. Ariel
  16. Loreley
  17. The Clock Ticks On
  18. Fires At Midnight
  19. St. Teresa
  20. Olde Village Lanterne
  21. Bonus – Documentary
  22. Bonus – Photo Gallery
  1. Past Time With Good Company – Rainbow Blues
  2. Play Minstrel Play
  3. World Of Stone
  4. Under A Violet Moon
  5. Minstrel Hall
  6. Home Again
  7. Ariel
  8. The Clock Ticks On
  9. Fires At Midnight
  10. Olde Village Lanterne (Studio Version)
  11. All Because Of You (Radio Edit)


Germany SPV 98617 DVD+CD : [Paris Moon]

ジャケット画像 ジャケット画像

DVD : PAL Region 2
  1. Introduction
  2. Past Time With Good Company
  3. Rainbow Blues
  4. Play Minstrel Play
  5. World Of Stone
  6. Under A Violet Moon
  7. Soldier Of Fortune
  8. Durch Den Wold Zum Bach Haus
  9. Diamonds & Rust
  10. Minstrel Hall
  11. Home Again
  12. Streets Of London
  13. Renaissance Faire
  14. Keyboard Solo
  15. Ariel
  16. Loreley
  17. The Clock Ticks On
  18. Fires At Midnight
  19. St. Teresa
  20. Olde Village Lanterne
  21. Bonus – Documentary
  22. Bonus – Photo Gallery
  1. Past Time With Good Company – Rainbow Blues
  2. Play Minstrel Play
  3. World Of Stone
  4. Under A Violet Moon
  5. Minstrel Hall
  6. Home Again
  7. Ariel
  8. The Clock Ticks On
  9. Fires At Midnight
  10. Olde Village Lanterne (Studio Version)
  11. All Because Of You (Radio Edit)



USA SPV 9915D 2DVD : [Castles & Dreams]

ジャケット画像 ジャケット画像

DVD : NTSC Region 0
Disc 1 – Concert Burg Veldenstein

  1. Intro
  2. Cartouche
  3. Queen For A Day I
  4. Queen For A Day Ii
  5. Under A Violet Moon
  6. Minstrel Hall
  7. Past Times With Good Company
  8. Soldier Of Fortune
  9. Durch Den Wald Zum Bach Haus
  10. Once In A Million Years
  11. Mr. Peagram’s Morris And Sword
  12. Home Again
  13. Ghost Of A Rose
  14. Mond Tanz – Child In Time – Mond Tanz
  15. Wind In The Willows
  16. Village On The Sand
  17. Renaissance Faire
  18. The Clock Ticks On
  19. Loreley
  20. All For One
  21. Black Night
  22. Midwinter’s Night – Dandelion Wine
  23. Credits

Disc 1 – Bonus Material

  1. Behind The Scenes
  2. Ritchie Blackmore’s Guitar Special

Disc 2 – Videos

  1. The Times They Are Changin’
  2. Way To Mandalay
  3. Once In A Million Years
  4. Hanging Tree
  5. Chirstmas Eve

Disc 2 – Docmentaries

  1. Blackmore’s Night : The Story
  2. Once Apon A Time : The Candice And Ritchie Story
  3. Tour Start : St. Gour 2004
  4. Hanging Tree : Making Music With Our Friends
  5. Schlossgeister : German TV Special
  6. Goldene Henne : German TV Special
  7. Femsehgarten : German TV Special

Disc 2 – Acoustics

  1. I Think It’s Going To Rain Today
  2. Chirstmas Eve
  3. Shadow Of The Moon
  4. Queen For A Day
  5. Under A Violet Moon

Disc 2 – Proclamations

  1. Interview – Band & Members
  2. Slide Show
  3. Candice Night Private Movies
  4. Discography – Blackmore’s Night
  5. Biography – Candice Night
  6. Biography – Ritchie Blackmore


JP Columbia YRBG 83000/01 : [Castles & Dreams]

ジャケット画像 ジャケット画像

DVD : NTSC Region 2
Disc 1 – Concert Burg Veldenstein

  1. Intro
  2. Cartouche
  3. Queen For A Day I
  4. Queen For A Day Ii
  5. Under A Violet Moon
  6. Minstrel Hall
  7. Past Times With Good Company
  8. Soldier Of Fortune
  9. Durch Den Wald Zum Bach Haus
  10. Once In A Million Years
  11. Mr. Peagram’s Morris And Sword
  12. Home Again
  13. Ghost Of A Rose
  14. Mond Tanz – Child In Time – Mond Tanz
  15. Wind In The Willows
  16. Village On The Sand
  17. Renaissance Faire
  18. The Clock Ticks On
  19. Loreley
  20. All For One
  21. Black Night
  22. Midwinter’s Night – Dandelion Wine
  23. Credits

Disc 1 – Bonus Material

  1. Behind The Scenes
  2. Ritchie Blackmore’s Guitar Special

Disc 2 – Videos

  1. The Times They Are Changin’
  2. Way To Mandalay
  3. Once In A Million Years
  4. Hanging Tree
  5. Chirstmas Eve

Disc 2 – Docmentaries

  1. Blackmore’s Night : The Story
  2. Once Apon A Time : The Candice And Ritchie Story
  3. Tour Start : St. Gour 2004
  4. Hanging Tree : Making Music With Our Friends
  5. Schlossgeister : German TV Special
  6. Goldene Henne : German TV Special
  7. Femsehgarten : German TV Special

Disc 2 – Acoustics

  1. I Think It’s Going To Rain Today
  2. Chirstmas Eve
  3. Shadow Of The Moon
  4. Queen For A Day
  5. Under A Violet Moon

Disc 2 – Proclamations

  1. Interview – Band & Members
  2. Slide Show
  3. Candice Night Private Movies
  4. Discography – Blackmore’s Night
  5. Biography – Candice Night
  6. Biography – Ritchie Blackmore

欧米盤のリリースからやや遅れて登場した日本盤。[The Vilage Lanterne]の日本先行発売と同時のリリースで、両方買って何かもらおうキャンペーンか何かをやってた記憶がありますが、まぁどうでもいいことではありますな(^^;。欧米盤がボックス仕様の豪華パッケージだったのに対し、日本盤は通常のトールケースでのリリース。取り扱いはこちらの方が簡便で良いとは思うものの、味気ないっちゃ味気ないです。せめてトールケースを収めるボックス仕様ということでも良かったかなと。価格は倍くらいになるだろうけど(笑)。内容自体は欧米盤とまったく同等ですが、画質は「欧米盤に比べると良くない」という説が、発売当初からありました。真実か否かは、ご自身の目でお確かめになった方が良いと思います。

Germany SPV 556 99157 2DVD NTSC : [Castles & Dreams]

ジャケット画像 ジャケット画像

DVD : NTSC Region 0
Disc 1 – Concert Burg Veldenstein

  1. Intro
  2. Cartouche
  3. Queen For A Day I
  4. Queen For A Day Ii
  5. Under A Violet Moon
  6. Minstrel Hall
  7. Past Times With Good Company
  8. Soldier Of Fortune
  9. Durch Den Wald Zum Bach Haus
  10. Once In A Million Years
  11. Mr. Peagram’s Morris And Sword
  12. Home Again
  13. Ghost Of A Rose
  14. Mond Tanz – Child In Time – Mond Tanz
  15. Wind In The Willows
  16. Village On The Sand
  17. Renaissance Faire
  18. The Clock Ticks On
  19. Loreley
  20. All For One
  21. Black Night
  22. Midwinter’s Night – Dandelion Wine
  23. Credits

Disc 1 – Bonus Material

  1. Behind The Scenes
  2. Ritchie Blackmore’s Guitar Special

Disc 2 – Videos

  1. The Times They Are Changin’
  2. Way To Mandalay
  3. Once In A Million Years
  4. Hanging Tree
  5. Chirstmas Eve

Disc 2 – Docmentaries

  1. Blackmore’s Night : The Story
  2. Once Apon A Time : The Candice And Ritchie Story
  3. Tour Start : St. Gour 2004
  4. Hanging Tree : Making Music With Our Friends
  5. Schlossgeister : German TV Special
  6. Goldene Henne : German TV Special
  7. Femsehgarten : German TV Special

Disc 2 – Acoustics

  1. I Think It’s Going To Rain Today
  2. Chirstmas Eve
  3. Shadow Of The Moon
  4. Queen For A Day
  5. Under A Violet Moon

Disc 2 – Proclamations

  1. Interview – Band & Members
  2. Slide Show
  3. Candice Night Private Movies
  4. Discography – Blackmore’s Night
  5. Biography – Candice Night
  6. Biography – Ritchie Blackmore


Germany SPV 8000740 CD+DVD : [Beyond The Sunset]

ジャケット画像 ジャケット画像

DVD : PAL Region 2
  1. Written In The Stars (Introduction Only)
  2. Morning Star
  3. Play Minstrel Play
  4. Minstrel Hall
  5. Under A Violet Moon
Bonus CD
  1. Christmas Eve
  2. Emanuel
  3. We Three Kings
